
"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."


Meet Aiden, a graduating high school senior with a passion for expressing herself through art. I have known Aiden for a few years now and have gotten to watch her grow into the bright and talented young woman she is today. When it came to planning this shoot, I knew I wanted to make sure that I showcased the style and personality that is "Aidan".


We began our shoot in Downtown Lafayette, one of my new favorite shooting locations, because of the artistic culture the area embodies. It's so rare to find someone who is an absolute natural in front of the camera! I was honored to get to capture someone who was so unashamed to be themselves.


As an artist, it only makes sense that I get a few shots of her in her element...painting! On the low hills of Moncus Park in late afternoon where the sun was shining just right, I got to see someone enter their happy place. While I got down on the ground to get just the right angle, she soaked up the sun and planned her next creation.


My hope is that Aiden enters this next stage of life with a determination and passion for achieving her dreams - as cheesy as that sounds. Starting a new chapter is exciting and the possibilities are endless! We should always approach the next new journey without fear, but rather with a fire for accomplishing greatness.