Goodbye to 2017, Hello to the Future

This has been an incredible year. As I'm writing this blog post, I'm thinking back to a little over a year ago when I bought my camera. At that moment, I still didn't think I would become a photographer. Yet in this crazy year, I found a passion I didn't expect.

In 2017, I took risks and dove head-first in doing crazy things to find something. I made the decision to start a photography business, take my health seriously, move across the country and live two months in Wisconsin, embrace my insecurities, move forward, and - most importantly - live. This year, things started making sense to me as to where my future would lead: wherever creativity and happiness brings me. I know that seems more vague than anything (ironic for a realization of clarity)! But I've come to accept whatever my future will bring. I'll be okay with it as long as I'm doing what I love!

That is my hope for you. As we say goodbye to another year, push forward in 2018 embracing the things that bring you happiness! Before you dive in head first, make sure you have a plan. That's right! Make those New Year's Resolutions that no one ever achieves! Why? Because it's something! Every day is a new start and a new chance to turn a new page. Even when you fail, you can start again.

So here are my New Year's Resolutions! Feel free to help me stay accountable!

  1. Shoot and write more. I want to become a better photographer for my clients and share my work more. The only way I will be able to do that is to PRACTICE!

  2. Embrace a healthier lifestyle. Y'all let me be honest. . . I am a poor graduate student and I live like one. If I can start eating healthier and sleeping more, I know that I'll be in a better place (trying not to gag at how Hallmark this sounds, but I'm serious!).

  3. Take time for me. I am a Class A workaholic, which is obvious if you look at my Instagram stories of me editing pictures at 2am. I'm even writing this blog at 3am...ON VACATION! I want to be committed to taking time to relax and recharge. Whether it's an hour reading book or an evening grabbing drinks with friends, this is a must!

Before I officially say goodbye to 2017, I want to share a few of my favorite photos from 2017. Not going to lie. . . I cringed a little as I looked at some of my early work. But I'm embracing the fact that I am always learning. Thank you so much to every amazing client I have had this year. I am eternally grateful that you believed in me enough to invest in me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Mikayla and Kaleb's Engagements

"Your life isn't about the big break,
it's about one significant life transforming step at a time."
-Tim Storey

Likely for the rest of my photography career, I will refer to a message from a college friend as a significant step in my growth as a photographer. In June, Mikayla messaged me about being her photographer for her special day with her fiancé Kaleb. I'm fairly certain my heart stopped beating in that moment. I've wanted to shoot a wedding from the moment I fell in love with photography, but I was terrified at the thought of jumping in and doing it. I came up with every excuse I could think of as to why they should look for another photographer, but Mikayla's belief in me is what made me say yes.

I've known Mikayla and Kaleb for years and I got to watch them fall in love. All I can say is that they are truly a pairing! I knew we would have fun doing their engagement shoot simply because of their goofy and lovable personalities. I was absolutely correct! They went back and forth like a couple that has been together for a lifetime. . . a couple that found the perfect match. . . a Beauty that found her Beast!

The theme that Mikayla and Kaleb have chosen for their wedding is Beauty and the Beast theme, which I think is perfect! Mikayla is more than capable of putting her Beast in his place and Kaleb brings the best out of his Beauty.

In the Rip Van Winkle Gardens of Jefferson Island outside of New Iberia, LA, we walked around, joked back and forth, and had a great time! From thematic pictures with teacups to more traditional couple photos, we made sure to capture the essence that is Mikayla and Kaleb. I hope you enjoy some of their pictures and keep an eye out next summer and Beauty gets hitched to her Beast!

Camera: Nikon D3400
Lens: 50mm f/1.8
Location: Rip Van Winkle Gardens at Jefferson Island; New Iberia, LA
Second Shooter: Audra Richard